PickupHub allows recreation professionals like you to provide quality drop-in style programs that engage your community, increase facility utilization and promote an active lifestyle.
Whether you are a private arena or a large city, one PickupHub account is all you need to manage and run your drop-in activities.
Your account is complete with all the administration tools necessary to provide an extraordinary experience for your customers that is seamless, safe and fun.
A PickupHub account gives you the control to create games in any sport. All the game details including price, location, number of participants and sport are available to create the perfect games for your needs.
Be general: 11 vs 11 Soccer, or specific: 5 vs 5 Women’s Basketball, ages 18 – 55.
You’re offering the best way for friends and individuals to come together in sport.
Because everything is completed online (payment, waivers and team organization), players just show up and play. This is a drop-in experience like no other.
All of your games are neatly organized in your administration area. At a glance, games are filtered by date and display real-time participation levels.
Creating, editing or cancelling games is accomplished with just a few clicks and takes seconds.
When a players participates in a game, they are automatically added to your customer database. Sports preference, gender, game history, demographics and contact information are all available to you.
This information is excellent for future marketing efforts.
Conversations take place over social media, text messages, phone calls and emails are exchanged in an attempt to organize games…it’s impractical and chaotic. And if you’re not a member of these social groups, good luck finding a game.
PickupHub provides a single destination for all players and eliminates any additional coordination. They simply reserve their spot online and show up.
Our flexible software allows you to create a single game to fill your time that didn’t sell or create a series of weekly recurring games that your customers will love
Having a popular drop-in program is great! But that doesn’t mean it can’t get better. Our software is designed around driving maximum participation to your programs. We are the fuel to your fire.
Our software understands when players sign up for games and sends out timely notifications as a reminder. All of the game promotions is handled in the background so you don’t have to worry about it.
Players don’t risk showing up to drop-in games that are empty…so they don’t come at all. Our Game Page makes attendance visible and reliable because players pre-pay for games.
Players on PickupHub can follow their friends and get notified when they sign up for a game.